Basic Biography

19. 1. 1979 *


* Master studies on Czech philology, Palacký University Olomouc

* 2003 Scholarship at Linguistics Department and Theory of Literature Institut, Charles University Prague


* Ph.D. Studies on Linguistics, Palacký University Olomouc

* Worked as a textbook developer and editor in Prodos publisherhouse Olomouc

* Teacher of CreativeReading and Social Communication, Palacký University Olomouc


* 2008 May - left to Asia to have a look on Europe from outside and deside if there is still anything left worthy to get back

* 2008 December - got back to Europe for a terminated harvest of relationships and projects which is yet unfinished by now

* 2008 Switched Ph.D. Studies onto Theory of Communication and General Linguictics, Palacký University Olomouc. Still going on

* 2009 Started to "work" as a freelance fiction book editor and translator for several Czech publisherhouses (Albatros, Alrgo, Talpress). Still going on

Basically staying in Prague now to meet the right people who are still alive and willing to work out new ideas, to map all the new possible worthy processes and invent new types of activities for life development through the mutual interaction - and to find out personally if there is still any good reason to stay in Europe or whether it's time to finish my story here for now and get ready to move somewhere else for the next period of my life.