My Longest Lasting Relation - 13 Years and Counting On
"Only me and her were taking the photos and it was very imtimate and personal process. The composition tells with every line, feature and gaze about how we perfectly fit to each other [...] we did it patiently and deliberately and got even closer to each other through this touching goobye. Because even if we're both still breathing and Miss Littlehorsie is doing well the death can enter any minute now in the most natural way and we feel that everything important has been reflected and made visible to be remembered and better and deeper understood till the end of time. That we have perfectly experienced, understood and expressed the meaning and importance of our intertwined existence."
Though I didn't chose to have a dog I helped this one, "Miss Littlehorsie" (Slečna Koníček), to get born into life. Had to help her small heart with my finger to catch the first beat and the little mole-like-body to get the first breath. Then later on she with her stubborn nature would help me to get born into life again, after the stupifying years of grammer school and a dull and demanding partnership I got stuck on without any experiences to focus again completely on the important uniqnuess and give up all the meaning-empty repetitive common-sense things.
13 years she would mostly refuse to be touched, fondled, caressed, because she felt disturbed and imprisoned by people's inclination to depend on the misfeeling and need to keep a pet as a source of guaranteed love and warmness.
Instead we enjoyed strong and wild relationship by moving freneticaly, discovering each other's likes and dislikes, running through woods and fields, taking long trips on bike, lying in grass and smelling sky, stealing cherries, swimming together in hidden flooded stone-pits (almost got drowned together once which was pretty strong experience and linked us together in a serious way) and mainly watching and respecting each other's unique nature and state. Learning from each other about what's really important. Never I woud press her to wear a muzzle, since she hated it and would hurt herself into blood to get rid of it anytime. But then she would never let me down by doing anything wrong while without a muzzle. She would never obey any command just to show up, but would be willing to do everything the right way so we wouldn't get into trouble and could spare the time with better activities and explorations. And always she would be a great playmate whenever the game would be clever enough. She would always be a marker of usless habits to me (she would angrily and absolutely refuse to undergo any stupid and not inevitable procedure even if it would turn me pale with anger) and would be a great and tough teacher this way. But on the other hand I taught her to respect every rule which is meaningful and protects us from usless troubles.
Well. She helped me to set free and to get out to school ad travels etc. but then she stood all her life with my parents where she's enjoying her retirement nowadays. So we would only be seeing each other when I was getting back home for visits. Still our relationship never faded and stayed one of the most important and still improving and developing during whole our lives. There were even periods I would only get home on purpose to see her.
Now she’s 13 years old and both of us know exactly we only have some more days to spend tgether. It’s much more calm and quiet now. We enjoy the simple presence of each other and refined responses and understanding.
In the middle of June, when caught in the middle of the most hurrying work and busy with many projects and visitors, I got a dream in which she asked me simply to get home for a weekend to see her and be with her when we still have a chance. So I went not to miss anything. She would hate and refuse posing for photos all her life and therefore there were not many pictures of her after all those years. But when I came home to see her this time I knew that I would need to make something out of it – to get some important remembrance when we still have time to take it as a opportunity to enjoy something new together this way. And then she really helped to work it out.
Only me and her were taking the photos and it was very imtimate and personal process. The composition tells with every line, feature and gaze about how we perfectly fit to each other, how connected we are and how much aware of our relationship. It took hours and hours to take the pictures and we did it patiently and deliberately and got even closer to each other through this touching goobye. Because even if we're both still breathing and Miss Littlehorsie is doing very well the death can enter any minute now in the most natural way and we feel that everything important has been reflected and made visible now with this compositon to be remembered and better and deeper understood till the end of time. That we have perfectly experienced, understood and expressed the meaning and importance of our intertwined existence.