We made creative support for the musical release. The idea was to let two different musical group record their songs under DIY conditions and then to confront the results on one CD medium. In the old days such a strategy was called “split”, as two or several bands split the expenses connected with the recording studios and paid together. Vivien’s Quiet was much more about the curiosity for the sound and expression reached in home-recording by the bands, which share the style and attitude.
Music Department of Farcaster functioned as the art-directing and technical supportive team for the recording process, also we created design of the touchable objects: the CD, the cover of CD and booklet for it - Agnieszka Pokrywka did.
Free stream: https://soundcloud.com/viviensquiet/sets/viviens-quiet/
CD presentation: https://bandzone.cz/viviensquiet