Farcaster applied for Szpilman Award 2o11
Pleasure to announce that Farcaster applied for Szpilman Award 2o11 which is annualy awarded to those art works that exist only for a moment or a short period of time and are provoked into existence by an ephemeral situation.
Farcaster decided to send two applications in total this year. One is for „Double Dog Days Afteroon“, which documentation – including videoclip, backround story and photogallery – is available here.
Second application is for Jitka’s „Installation Reconstructed“, which documentation is available here.
Closing date for Szpilman Award was September 3o and the jury will be judging the applications between October 27-3o. We hope there will be a reason to celebrate in the following week.
Farcaster's Apply for Szpilman Award 2o11
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