Filming started! Videoclip in Divadlo Na zábradlí
We already started filming with Kino Kabaret. The filmmakers are brilliant, experienced, smart, closely observing and alert, quick and ready - pleasure to be among them, converse and work with them and have them around in our B-12 Residency. We started to work seriously on a videoclip for a song Journey which is gona be newly released by Ondřej's Disquiet band. We experienced rush time being allowed to shoot in coulisses for a play Ubu se baví just before a performance beginning in Divadlo Na zábradlí - but the scene had to be rebuilt unexpectedly and we didn't manage to make it in time. The "B version" for this videoclip was set up promptly in a pub afterwards and we will shoot it tomorrow. But we also plan to get back to the "A version" in the theatre coulisses when the play is on their programme next time (Oct 14). The material we have from today's shooting is promising. We will post the first results asap :)