Pali! Amazing, amusing, strong, thoughtful, funny, beautiful, real clown&spirit&dancer&solitaire&woman in one person. Ready up to everything immediately, not spoiling any option to get a gain from everything, making beauty, still knowing exactly her own way, selective, not getting distracted. Her laugh all over the house! Her attentive look. Her energetic bodytalk. Her funny rolling over bed while sleeping. Before she came in I thought I'd never be able to share my private room with anyone for 3 weeks. Well, with her it was powerful, interesting and simply natural. As if my natal sister came back from the world to fit to her place in my life.
All the house is missing you, Pali. Everyone in their special way. So many signs of your presence here. And as to me - I'm more then sure that our story just began, will grow on. And be it then Argentina or some other place - I will meet you again, my black-sheep sister, for another interchange and touch. Hugehug now, staying connected. j.
Already happened
Pali: María Paula Díaz from Argentina (June 2o11)
Theater teacher and performer, clown and marionetter, illustrator, graphic artist, extremely strong and beautiful personality and much more.
Pali stayed at our place for more then 3 weeks, sharing Jitka's room with her, while attending Marionette Workshop during the great Prague Quadriennal: PQ 2o11.
All of us won their personal life-story with Pali - Her Moment with Ondřej:
And we Enjoyed to Get Ready for Cinema Royal Occasion Together
And Pali Finished Her Marionette and was performing in the streets of Prague
and then also later for us and for our Granny at B12
To be reflected: Pali Díaz Stay at B12
My counterpart from the other side of globe finally came to check me out :).
Jitka | 19/08/2011