F-CAPTIVATED: Net of People
Remember you are only in the Demoverse yet. I just put in here several important people who crossed my life...
Agniezska Pokrywka, PL/NOR Alain Touch, France Pali Díaz, Argentina; Performer
Videoartist, Graphic Design Shiatsu Masage, Aikido TheatreTeacher, Illustrator
Ivan M. Havel (founder of CTS) Tereza Hajná
This great complex personality let me My life-counterpart and for more then 10 years
kindly for 2 years wander through his my prime partner in exploring life. My teacher
mind and memories and introduced me about physical limits, pain and beauty
in a great style to the history of their and my introducer into lucid states of mind
family, generation and our nation and experiences. And much more.
helped me to deepen my understanding
both scientific theories and real life.
Greg Egan, Australian hard philosophical scifi writer, and a great inspirator
of the not before existing principles of human development and its logical consecvences
both for the people captured in societies (worshipers of the sameness, believers in comunity)
and individuals captivated by the beauty (and solitude) of uniqueness.
I might be one of his solitair characters
haven't been a step ahead by being already alive,
creating them so beautiful by reading ;)
Věra Linhartová, born in Czech, living alone and hidden in the centre of Paris.
Thinking on. A strong, solitair and beautiful mind tirelesly and quietly digging
her lifelong hole through the languages and other people desires
transformed into art... Read more.
Zdeněk Sýkora, Czech painter and mathematist, who was incredibly using pseudorandom
numbers generators (even before he could use computers for it) to trace how the human mind
creates and understands selforganized structures - how it comes we understand something
as a structure when it is not a repetitive patern. ... Read more.
There would be nothing without my beautiful mother Ludmila who simply is here for me
in the same unconditional way as universe whatever shape I take her love only grows
as it is necessary for everything alive in time and so my love for her grows within.
And without my grandmother Anna from whom I mostly know
this mirroring and telling picture so far.